
Monday, September 19, 2016

Notes from the Road, Sept. 19, 2016

As you know, I love to travel. In addition to driving over 10,000 miles since May and visiting over fifty National Park Service sites, I also went to two international conferences. This posting will discuss the trips to the conferences and the countries.
The view of Bogota from Mount Monserrate with a rainbow (Photo by Hunner)
After the west coast road trip, I flew to Bogota, Colombia at the beginning of July to attend an International Federation of Public History conference. The IFPH has an ambitious goal of providing an organization for public historians around the world to connect and share ideas and issues. [A quick refresher – public history is the engagement of people with the past at museums, historic parks, and through social media and digital humanities.]
A sign in front of the Cafe Bizzaro in Bogota and a theme for public history-- locally produced, globally inspired.
(Photo by Hunner)
I presented a paper at Bogota on how we teach public history at New Mexico State University. I met a wide variety of people from Latin America at the conference and heard some interesting projects on truth and reconciliation, especially as the civil war in Colombia is ending. More about this later. I even heard a presentation by Dr. Mario Vilar, a historian from Chile, who researches historians who blog. I was the first live one that he has met.
Cathedral of Bogota on Plaza de Bolivar  (Photo by Hunner)
I was impressed with the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Bogota. We had very good cheap meals ($15 US for a steak dinner with wine), went to a fantastic museum on gold (more about this later), and had good accommodations both at our hotel as well as at the conference site at the University of the Andes. Thanks to Catalina Muñoz in Bogota and Serge Noiret and Thomas Cauvin with the IFPH for organizing such a worthwhile conference.
Front Entrance to the University of the Andes in Bogota (Photo by Hunner)
In September, I flew to Kalmar, Sweden for the annual meeting of Bridging Ages. Over 200 people from twenty countries, mainly from Europe and Africa, gathered at the Linnaeus University to discuss Time Traveling, that is bringing history to life through first person role playing and other activities. I having blogged about first person interpretation earlier when I visited Conner Prairie.  Since 2002, Bridging Ages has grown tremendously, especially in South Africa. There, they recreate past times with students who gain an experience about living under apartheid. Deputy Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi of the South African Department of Arts and Culture talked to the conference as well as Mzalendo Kibunjia, the Director General of the National Museums of Kenya.

I presented with Padre Kevorg, an Armenian Mechitarist monk, and Cécile Franchetti, a heritage preservationist from Venice, about a Time Travel we conducted in October 2015. At the Time Travel, sixty 14 and 15 year-old students pretended to be back in 1870 at the first day of school at the Armenian College of Venice. At the conference, we presented a short history of Armenia and the Mechitarist religious order, showed how we prepared the students for the Time Travel, and then offered some images about the event itself. Padre Kevorg ended our session with a Magnificat, a moving Armenian devotional song to the Virgin Mary.

Padre Kevorg and me with a photo of an Amermian Church from 1200 AD presenting at the Bridging Ages conference. (Photo by C. Franchetti)

Because of the increased presence in Bridging Ages with people from places where human rights violations occurred, there was much discussion about truth and reconciliation. This also was a dominant theme in Bogota. I know that public historians can play a vital role in getting to the truth about past actions, including atrocities sometimes perpetrated by governments, sometimes by rebel groups. We are trained to get to the truth about past events.

I am not so sure that historians can bring about reconciliation, that we can heal the trauma of those actions or events. A past injury or death in a family or community cannot be so easily forgotten.  Some abuses take centuries to play out. For example, the United States Civil War is still being fought by some, and the legacy of slavery continues to impact communities and even the nation.

I would like to see evidence where historians brought about reconciliation. For example, on my road trip, I talked with a volunteer at the Flight 93 Memorial who lives about a mile from that Sept. 11th crash site. She told me she cried for three days after the crash and then someone from the local historical society knocked on her door and asked her to start collecting the items that people left on the road in front of her house in remembrance of the victims. For three years, she collected and curated those items and over time, she realized that by taking care of these leavings, she also was taking care of the victims. Reconciliation often only comes after years of processing and hard work and is very individualized. We can assist by presenting the truth about an event, but I question whether historians are qualified to work with the grieving public. Isn’t that better left to the trained professionals like therapists and social workers?

After the conference, I spent a weekend in Copenhagen, my favorite city in Europe. I walked up the winding spiral of the Round Tower where in the 1640s, King Christian IV rode his carriage up to check on the astronomers who used the top to observe the heavens. From up there, I had a great view of the old quarter of Copenhagen.

Left, Christian IV's Round Tower. Above,  the view of Copenhagen from the top of the Round Tower
(Photo by Hunner) 
I also visited the National Museum of Denmark where I compared the stone age peoples and cultures of Denmark with what I saw at the Museum of Gold in Bogota and the mound building sites at Cahokia and Hopewell. Here’s some observations. Ancient people in both North America and northern Europe similarly buried some of their dead in mounds, surrounded by graves goods. The ceremonial large flint axes on exhibit at the Danish National Museum, the Cahokia State park museum, and the Hopewell NHP looked very similar.
Ceremonial flint axes at the Danish National Museum, similar to ones at Cahokia and Hopewell (Photo by Hunner)
The exquisite filigree gold artifacts shown at the Bogota Museum are perhaps more finely done than the gold pieces at the National Museum, but the craftsmanship of both evoke a mystical essence that drifts down through the eons. For the ancient peoples of Colombia, they made effigy items out of gold to connect with the spirit animals of their three realms—the air, the ground, and under the ground. Thus animals like bats who lived in all three realms were highly praised. Jaguars also were powerful symbols The iconic symbol shown here
Two dimensional depiction of a jaguar from the Museum of Gold, Bogota (Photo by Hunner)
is actually a flattened out silhouette of a jaguar. This is also a symbol for a national beer.
Club Colombia beer with jaguar symbol as logo (Photo by Hunner)
At Denmark’s National Museum, gold also figured prominently. So here’s a test. Which objects are from Colombia and which from Denmark. The key is at the end of the blog.

Gold artifact #2
Gold artifact  #1
Gold artifact #4
Gold artifact #3

Copenhagen is a popular city, from museums and historic sites to the Tivoli, an amusement park right in downtown. There, old rides and activities combine with those that turn you upside down at a high speed. And some Danes go there just to eat in one of the many tasty restaurants. It is a destination that offers a lot.
Tivoli at night (Photo by Hunner)
Copenhagen is also a bicycle city. Many Danes commute by bike, hold hands while riding bikes, transports goods and other people by bike. I asked a waitress at breakfast if she rides during the winter and she said yes, it was actually safer than driving a car in the snow. She said they dress in layers “and I don’t know how, but we look awesome.” As my niece Tess states: “Copenhagen is a chic city.” I agree.
Bicycle rack at the Norreport Metro Station in Copenhagen (Photo by Hunner)
Finally, today I went by train to the Viking ship museum in Roskilde. In the 1960s, the Danish National Museum excavated five Viking ships sunk 1,000 years ago. The museum has partially reconstructed what they could of the ships in a stunning exhibit of simplicity. I went on a tour with Niclas who explained the different ships that the Vikings used from small coastal cargo boats to large warships to even larger cargo freighters. The Viking ship museum also uses experimental archaeology to understand how these ancients lived and sailed. They have reconstructed working replicas of all five boats and have even taken the large war ship from Denmark to Ireland and back.
Replica of viking warship on a voyage to Ireland 2007-2008 (From exhibit at Viking Ship Museum)

Tour guide Niclas in front of a reconstructed Viking ship from 1070 A.D. at the Viking Ship Museum
(Photo by Hunner)
Denmark offers a lot from historic landmarks to modern Nordic cuisine. It reaches well into its past while dealing with contemporary issues like refugees from the Middle East and Africa. Like many countries, Denmark is changing while connected to its past. An historian can’t ask for much more.

Here's the answers to which piece of gold comes from Colombia and which from Denmark:
#1-- Sun God's Chariot-- Danish National Museum, Copenhagen
#2-- Sun God-- Museum of Gold, Bogota
#3-- Flying Fish-- Museum of Gold, Bogota
#4-- Face of a Man-- Danish National Museum, Copenhagen
Replicas of the recovered Viking ships built as experimental archaeology at the Viking Ship Museum (Photo by Hunner) 

Guide to Being a Parkgonaut

Since I first started driving to history, I met people who like me who are smitten by the parks-- people like Tim Sprano of Virginia, the Rich family of Georgia, and others who line up at the NPS passport stamping stations. I struggled to find a term to describe us, and “park fanatics” just didn’t do it. Several weeks ago, as I was leaving the RV park near Gettysburg, I chatted with two women from Houston who asked if I was going to all 400+ parks. They were on that quest, and as I drove away, the name “parkgonauts” popped into my head to describe us. So here is my guide to being a parkgonaut.
Chief of Interpretation Dennis Frye at Harper's Ferry NHP visiting some of the people he has researched.
(Photo by Hunner) 

As many of you know, Jason had his Argonauts and NASA its astronauts. The Argonauts sought the Golden Fleece, and the astronauts shot the moon.  These were intrepid adventurers who through personal sacrifice, traveled the world or space on missions of daring deeds. OK so traveling in an RV is not quite the stuff of Greek myths or space walks but you get the idea.
Parkgonaut Hunner at Delicate Arch, Arches NP, Utah
Here are some skills and abilities I think necessary for parkgonauts. First, you need a park. Doesn’t have to be many, even one will do. You just need to explore a National Park or even a state or local park. Something that takes you away from your everyday world.

Second, you need time. A day, an afternoon, even an hour will do, you just need some time to spend at a park.

Third, you need to be inquisitive about something in the park, whether is a natural resource, a historical person, place, or event, or just something that grabs your attention. This something needs to interest you so that you keep wanting to scratch that itch by going to parks.

Fourth, as my friend George says, you need bug spray. I might put this as optional depending on where you are going but you might need to get a pack and put in some essential supplies you need for a trip away from home and car, even if only for a few hours.
El Capitan at Yosemite NP (Photo by Hunner)
Fifth, a bit of preparation helps but is not required. Research the park, start walking to get ready for the miles that you might hike to fully embrace the park. I like to bicycle some parks since I get an intimate view of the landscape and enjoy riding through the history. The main piece of advice is get away from your car as much as you can. Get out and read the roadside exhibits that explain what happened there. Even in the most crowded parks, it is amazing how few people hike even a ½ mile away from the parking lots and visitor centers.
Pokemon ranger at FDR Memorial, Washington DC showing me how to play. (Photo by Hunner)
Lastly, start conversations with fellow visitors. Ask where they are from, have they been to this particular place before, where else have they gone or are going? Visitors are engaged with our parks, and love to share their experiences. I have enjoyed talking with and learning from my fellow travelers.

Welcome to the club, all you parkgonauts. We celebrate the parks not just in this centennial year, but throughout our lives. The parks speak to us deeply. They provide tranquility and rejuvenation, they take us out of ourselves, and they ground us in nature and the past. So get out and chase that Golden Fleece in the National Parks.
First person interpreter Carl talking with parkgonaut George at Appomattox Courthouse NHS, Virginia
(Photo by Hunner)
Next week, I am attending a family wedding on an island in the Baltic Sea. Stay tuned for a blog about the history of this fascinating island of Bornholm which I will post next Monday night.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Notes from the Road, September 12, 2016

This past week, I drove (and bicycled) to more 19th century historical sites. Last Monday, I went to Ford’s Theater where Lincoln was assassinated on April 14th, 1865. The museum in the basement is a good overview of the Civil War and its ending, which happened just days before Lincoln’s death. His balcony box seat looks much like it did the night he was murdered.
Lincoln's balcony seat at Frod's theater (Photo by Hunner)
That night, I watched the Washington Nationals defeat the Atlanta Braves with friends and parkgonauts Laura and John.
The Nats get a curly W (win) against the Braves (Photo by Hunner)

Laura suggested that I tour the Frederick Douglass house which I did the next day. I had crossed his path at Seneca Falls, New Bedford, and Harper’s Ferry so it was interesting to learn more about this escaped slave who became a powerful abolitionist at his home overlooking D.C.  
Douglass's House (Photo by Hunner)
That afternoon, I bicycled around the National Mall, which I think is the best way to see the heart of our capitol. I started off at Jefferson’s Memorial, went to Washington’s Monument (closed because of elevator problems), then passed by several Smithsonian units including the National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian.

On top, the Capitol. On bottom, NPS 100th birthday banners at the National Archive (Photos by Hunner)
I then circled around the Capitol and rode past the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court buildings. I took a break and had a beer at the Dubliner near Union Station, then pedaled down the north side of the mall passing by the art, natural history, U.S. history, and African American history museums as well as the National Archives.
The National Museum of African American History and Culture set to open later this month.
(Photo by Hunner)
I spent some time west of the Washington Monument at the World War II Memorial paying tribute to my dad who fought in New Guinea and the Philippines and continued along the Reflecting Pool to the Lincoln Monument. I sat with many people on the steps thinking about Lincoln and looking back over the mall to the Capitol. It is a glorious site.

On top, the view from the steps of the Lincoln Monument. On bottom, Lincoln peering out from inside the monument. (Photos by Hunner)
I walked my bike over to the stark Vietnam Veterans Memorial with its list of over 50,000 names of the Americans who died in that war and I then rode over to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial with his inspirational quotes etched on the marble walls.

On top, the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial. On the bottom, King's Memorial (Photos by Hunner)
Similarly, I walked around the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and read many of the famous things that he said. Then I noticed something bizarre. A lot of people were wandering around, looking at their phones and then around the plaza. I even saw the Park Ranger on his cell phone walking around. I asked him what was going on and he said that this site is one of the best places in the country to play Pokémon Go. In fact, he told me that people come from around the world to play there. At night, hundreds of people arrive, wander around, capture the pocket monsters, and acquire candies and stardust. When someone sees a rare Pokémon and shout out its name, like “Bellossom,” ? says it is like a herd of wildebeests running across the plaza looking for this creature. I must admit I don’t play this game and have mixed feelings about people using a place like FDR’s Memorial for it. But ? talked about bringing new groups of people into the parks and maybe they will look up and read one of the FDR quotes as they capture Pokémons.

On top, Pokemon Go players at the FDR Memorial. On bottom, a ranger has to keep current with Pokemon Go to assist visitors (Photos by Hunner)
Leaving Washington the next day, I stopped at the Chancellorsville National Military Park and visited the spot where in 1863 Confederate troops accidentally shot General “Stonewall” Jackson. He died several days later, depriving Robert E. Lee and the South of perhaps its best general. Nearby, I visited the Wilderness Battlefield which was the beginning of the end for the Confederates as the Union troops led by General Grant ground towards Richmond in 1864-1865.

I visited my old friend George at Shannon Farms near Charlottesville. Thanks for all the people at Shannon Farms for their hospitality, especially Barbara and George. George and I drove to see Appomattox Courthouse NHP where General Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Grant on April 9th, 1865, effectively ending the war. It is a place of quiet dignity which honors the more than 600,000 men who died in our Civil War. 

On top, George talks with first person interpreter Carl at Appomattox. On bottom, a painting of the surrender by General Lee to General Grant which ended the Civil War (Photo by Hunner and from exhibit at Appomattox)

Now, I take a break from driving to our National Parks and fly to Scandinavia where I attend the annual conference of Bridging Ages in Kalmar Sweden and then go to my nephew’s wedding in Denmark. Here's a link to this living history conference if you are interested: Bridging Ages 2016. I’ll post something next Monday so stay tuned. In the meantime, get out, go to a park, and enjoy the natural and cultural wonders of the United States.

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island National Monument, New York and New Jersey

I went to a birthday party on August 25th and fell in love with a French woman. I have seen her several times over the years, but this time we clicked. Maybe it was the celebration, maybe it was all the people flocking to her, whatever the chemistry, I was smitten. She had an entourage that accompanied this elegant lady as she landed in New York. Artists and industrialists brought her to New York from Paris. I admired her like millions of others past and present, for her call for freedom and liberty. Of course, I am talking about the Statue of Liberty.
Statue of Liberty and downtown Manhattan from the ferry to the islands (Photo by Hunner)

On the 100th birthday of the National Park Service, I went to the islands of Liberty and Ellis to celebrate. Hand in glove, you can’t separate them. Liberty and seeking a better life, freedom and the American Dream, the Statue of Liberty is the face on our proud tradition, and Ellis Island is where millions arrived to actualize that dream.

I took a tour led by NPS Ranger Tom Tauscher around the base of the pedestal. He joked that a French lady that size is going to require a lot of maintenance. For example, the torch that is a beacon for the world has had several major alterations. At first, the light from the torch was dim. So six portholes were cut in the flame. Still dim, another 194 holes were cut. Still not enough, so in 1916, the original torch was replaced by a stained glass one, which leaked and weakened the hand and arm that held up the torch of freedom. Finally in 1986, the Lady underwent a major renovation which included removing the stained glass torch and replacing it with the current golden flame in time for the centenary of her arrival in the New York harbor.
Stained Glass torch on exhibit in the Liberty pedestal museum (Photo by Hunner)

Her original name, “Liberty Enlightening the World,” began as an idea of Edouard de Laboulaye and a group of French intellectuals who wanted to protest political repression at home. Laboulaye’s artist friend Auguste Bartholdi seized the idea of creating a new Colossus and in 1876, displayed the arm and torch at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. The French public financed the statue while the American peopled funded the pedestal that the Lady stands on.
Auguste Bartholdi (From exhibit in the Liberty pedestal museum)
Newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer championed the statue by launching a fundraising campaign in his New York World. The names of all donors were published in the newspaper. Circulation increased as the public bought the daily to see their names in print, and competition among the wealthy occurred since Pulitzer also printed the amount of each donation.
Lady Liberty being built in Paris (From exhibit at Liberty pedestal museum)

A replica of Liberty's face (From exhibit at Liberty's pedestal museum)

To support a statue that stands 151 feet (46 meters) high, in 1879 Bartholdi turned to Gustave Eiffel to design the infrastructure for the copper covered lady. By 1885, the statue was completed in Paris, disassembled, sent to New York, and reassembled on Bedloe’s Island in its harbor. On October 28, 1886, Lady Liberty was dedicated. Contrary to Ranger Tom’s assertion that the lady needs a lot of maintenance, copper does not need that much. The 62,000 pounds of copper give a green coloring to Liberty and like a good sunblock, protects her from the elements.

Above, a model of Eiffel's structure to support the statue. Below, Gustave Eiffel
(From exhibit at the Liberty pedestal museum)
The meaning of Lady Liberty has evolved over the years. At first, Liberty Enlightening the World had a goal of protesting Napoleon III’s oppression in France by sending her to the United States. Once in New York, the statue’s meaning changed, especially after Ellis Island opened in 1892. As immigrants arrived, the “Mother of Exiles” greeted them with her torch of liberty and her promise of freedom and opportunity. Emma Lazarus’s poem, “The New Colossus,” has Lady Liberty saying:

Give me your tired, your poor, 
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuge of your teeming shore. 
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, 
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Emma Lazarus's full poem "The New Colossus" (From exhibit at the Liberty pedestal museum)
With immigration on hold during World War I, Lady Liberty served as a patriotic symbol to urge the public to buy war bonds and enlist in the armed forces. Now the Lady is used for a variety of purposes from marketing products and services to advocating for political candidates to attracting tourists. Three million people flock to her each year. She is a powerful symbol.

From Liberty Island, a short ferry ride took me to Ellis Island where I spent the afternoon. Beginning in 1892, immigrants arriving into New York had to go through Ellis. Part of the exhibits at Ellis Island illustrate how officials processed the newcomers —sometimes as many as 5,000 a day. There, arrivals were vetted for their nationality (since quotas limited people from certain countries), for how much money they had (at one point, a new law required at least $25), and for any physical or mental health issues that would make one an unfit immigrant (only 2% of the arrivals were sent back to where they came from). At times, family names were Anglicized and radically changed. It often was a confusing time.
Immigrant ship landing at Ellis Island (From Ellis Island exhibit)
The exhibits at Ellis cover the push and pull of immigration. First, why did people leave their home countries? Graphic images of war ravaged villages, destitute families living in ruined buildings, pogroms and purges, droughts and starvation illustrate what pushed people to leave their homelands. Some of the images in the galleries speak to such desperation.
Poverty in Eastern Europe (From Ellis Island exhibit) 
After making the difficult decision to leave one’s country of origin, the next question was where to go? What places pulled people to relocate and to start a new life? The promise of America from the 16th century on served as a magnet for such aspirations. Whatever the reasons for leaving a home, millions came to North America for a better life, for freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. This freedom drew people to these shores long before Lady Liberty symbolized this desire.

Granted, many millions of Africans were brought here as slaves, and for them, the dream of liberty remained at best a remote and dangerous possibility. We will explore this aspect of the American experience more fully when we visit Civil War sites.
Little Italy in New York City (From Ellis Island exhibit)

Once allowed to enter the United States, many immigrants stayed in New York. They moved into neighborhoods that became havens for them and their fellow countrymen. They worked where they could, dreamed of a better tomorrow for themselves and their children, and innovated to make that dream happen. Others spread out from the large railroad station near Ellis Island in New Jersey to farm or work in factories and raise families across the country.

Immigrants at work (From Ellis Island exhibit)

We are a stronger and more lively country for the presence and contributions of immigrants to the U.S.  Diversity is our destiny. It has been from the beginning, even before Europeans arrived on these shores. Humans need each other, both family members as well as strangers, to thrive. We culturally code-switch—we borrow from other peoples to make our lives better and more interesting. We find new ways, either by inventing something or by borrowing from a different culture. With such innovations and peoples’ motivations to have a different life, society adopts and adapts and often improves. I have written more about cultural code-switching at Contact: Encounters and the Colombian Exchange.

Ellis Island processed 12,000,000 people from 1892 to 1954 when it closed. Interestingly, that is the estimate of the number of undocumented Mexicans who now reside in the U.S. Deporting those people would be equal to sending all of those who passed through Ellis Island back to their country of origin. What would the United States be if the people who entered through Ellis Island had not built their lives and families here?

The motto of the United States is E pluribus unum – out of many, one. Out of the indigenous people who had lived here for millennia, out of the immigrants who came here, out of the slaves forced to come here, and from the descendants of all of these people, we have created one nation.
Newly arrived children (From Ellis Island exhibit)
At the birthday party for the National Park Service at Liberty Island, a Girl Scout troop stood at the base of the pedestal and sang “This Land is Your Land.” See the video at Statue of Liberty Facebook page. Rangers held up cue cards with the lyrics, and we all sang along. I got chocked up. Later I asked Melissa Cannady why they chose that song, and she replied: “Because the parks are all our lands.” Enough said.
Rangers holding up cue cards with the lyrics of "This Land is Your Land" (Photo by Hunner)
The Statue of Liberty became a National Monument in 1924. Ellis Island became part of the NPS by proclamation by President Johnson in 1965 and was reopened to the public in 1990 as the country's primary museum devoted to immigration.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Notes from the Road, September 5, 2016

As I write this, a brilliant sunset is unfolding over Washington D.C., with clouds left over from the Hurricane Hermine reflecting the dying sun’s colors. No rain, no wind, just a beautiful sunset over the RV site at College Park. Here’s my travels over the last week and how I ended up in the nation’s capital.
Sunset over the Cherry Hill RV Park (Photo by Hunner)
After spending some time at Revolutionary War sites around Philadelphia, I went to Gettysburg National Military Park. I drove the battlefield, rode it again on my bike, and saw videos, cycloramas, and exhibits about the battle. Then I had a tour of the National Cemetery where President Lincoln gave his two minute long Gettysburg Address. Walking where men fought and died, where Lincoln offered his brief remarks about why the Union fought, filled me with solemn thoughts.
Pickett''s Charge at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863 (From cylcorama at Visitors' Center)
As I left the campground near Gettysburg, I met two women from Houston who are visited all 400+ parks. I have met a lot of people who are NPS enthusiasts, and I finally came up for a name for us—parkgonauts.

I then dropped down to Antietam National Battlefield, the battle that happened a year earlier than Gettysburg which ended General Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia’s first invasion of the north. At Antietam, I again drove and rode the grounds and imagined the clash from 1862 which resulted in the largest number of causalities in any one day that Americans have fought anywhere. Ranger Keith Snyder spent over an hour with me explaining the battle and how the NPS interprets and preserves the site while we sat looking out at the battlefield behind the Visitors’ Center.
Bloody Lane at Antietam (Photo by Hunner)

The next day, I descended on Harpers’ Ferry National Historical Park and found out about the multiple histories encompassed at that park—from early transportation and industry to the pre-Civil War raid by John Brown to several Civil War battles to Civil Rights and the creation of the Niagara Movement which led to the NAACP. At Harper’s Ferry, Chief of Interpretation Dennis Frye took me to a porch overlooking the town’s graveyard to discuss the place’s multifaceted histories. I later stood where Thomas Jefferson looked out over the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers.
Firehouse at Harper's Ferry where John Brown was captured (Photo by Hunner)

Members of the Niagara Movement at a meeting at Harper's Ferry which gave rise to the NAACP
(From exhibit at Harper's Ferry NHP)
I also dashed up to Monocacy National Battlefield near Frederick, Maryland to see the place that the Confederates attacked during their third invasion of the north in 1864. I enjoyed some good beer and bar stool companionship at the Smoketown Brew Pub in Brunswick, Maryland.  Several new acquaintances in Brunswick asked for my thoughts on business ventures. While I am flattered, seriously Ken and Karen, you are in serious trouble if you turn to me for such advice.

As I wound my way to D.C., I stopped at the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park visitor’s center in Brunswick and talked with volunteer Karen there about her town where she had served as mayor for the last four years. From there, I went to the Monocacy Aqueduct, an amazing engineering marvel where the C&O Canal traversed over a river.
A coal barge on the C&O Canal (From exhibit at C&O Canal NHP in Brunswick, Md.)
The Aqueduct for the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP (Photo by Hunner)

Once at an RV park near D.C., I took a bike ride with parkgonaut Lisa where we rode along the Washington and Old Dominion railroad bed and then stopped at the house in Leesburg where the Confederate invasion of the north in 1862 was planned. Today, I go to the nation’s pastime, a baseball game between the Washington Nationals and the Atlanta Braves.