
Showing posts with label Battle of Concord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle of Concord. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

Minute Man National Historical Park at Concord, Massachusetts

“The Redcoats are Coming!”

“Lay down your arms, ye damned rebels, lay down your arms!” With that terse command from Major Pitcairn of the British Army, his guard of 150 soldiers confronted the 77 assembled Minute Men on the town green at Lexington, Massachusetts. On April 19, 1775, the battles at Lexington and Concord launched the Revolutionary War which led to American independence and created a freedom movement and a form of government that changed the world.

The militia on the Lexington Green that morning had responded to the alarms spread by Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott. At the time, no one cried “the British are Coming!” Most colonials still considered themselves British. The cry that did ring through the New England countryside was “The Redcoats are Coming!”

Route the Redcoats took to Concord from Lexington (NPS map)
The opposing sides on the Lexington Green fired at each other, and then the British soldiers charged with bayonets, killing eight and wounding ten. The Redcoats suffered no casualties. The colonial militia scattered, and Pitcairn rushed his men to Concord to capture rebel arms and ammunition.
A re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington Green (
The battles at Lexington and Concord that April in 1775 sparked the American Revolutionary War. Administering the American colonies burdened the growing British world empire, and Parliament wanted income. Beginning in 1733 with the Molasses Act and increasing after the costly French and Indian War (1754-1763), taxes on essential colonial products raised the ire of the Americans. The First Lord of the Treasury, George Grenville, justified the taxes saying that they would go “toward defraying the necessary expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the said colonies and plantations.” From our early days, taxes have vexed Americans.

The Road to Rebellion

A particularly odious tax on the colonies was the Stamp Act of 1765. It required revenue stamps on newspapers and most printed material, even playing cards. Thus, the Stamp Act angered the influential people who shaped public opinion—the newspaper editors, lawyers, and tavern owners. As a result, open acts of rebellion flared, including the sacking of the Bostonian homes of the Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson and his brother-in-law Andrew Oliver, a stamp act commissioner. In response, the British sent troops to Boston to quell the growing rebellion.

The stamp required for all printed materials from the act of 1765.
Grenville also imposed the Quartering Act in 1765 which required the colonies to supply British soldiers with food and housing. Since the major British force resided in New York, this hit that city particularly hard. More controversial acts followed, adding fuel to the fire. Local Sons of Liberty began to organize against the rising “tyranny” of the British over colonial matters.

Revolutions need many elements to succeed. They need a perceived threat to motivate people to rebel. They need talented leaders to take charge and figure out how to rebel. They require a network of communication to spread the word. And they need luck.

Talented writers fanned the flames of rebellion and justified the challenge to the British and King George III. Virginians Patrick Henry and John Dickinson, Pennsylvanian Benjamin Franklin, and Bostonian Samuel Adams stoked popular resentment with pamphlets, broadsheets, and articles decrying British rule and rallying the public with slogans such as “No taxation without representation,” and “Give me Liberty  or give me Death.” From leaflets to popular songs sung in taverns, the rebels organized against England.  

Building on the growing discontent, rebels started boycotting British imports. Sassafras tea replaced British tea as the protestors’ drink of choice. Women made garments out of homespun cloth, merging fashion with defiance. Patriots organized militia to resist England. In Massachusetts, almost all men between sixteen and sixty served in their town’s militia, nicknamed Minute Men. Such units mustered for drills that included weapons’ training and rapid responses to any threat to their communities. They knew that if open rebellion occurred, the Patriots would face the best military in the world.

The Boston Massacre and Tea Party

As tensions rose, violence erupted. On March 5, 1770, a lone British sentry in front of the customs house at Boston cried out as a group of youths pelted him with snowballs. Reinforcements poured out of the nearby barracks and tussled with the gathering crowd. A British solder fired, then more shots rang out, killing five and wounding another eight. Ironically, the first person killed in the fight for American independence was the African-American Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave who worked on the ships in the harbor. With these martyrs to the cause of rebellion, the Boston Massacre escalated the conflict.

On December 16, 1773, a group of men disguised as Mohawk Indians stormed three ships in the Boston harbor and dumped 342 chests of tea into the frigid waters to protest the taxes.  Parliament punished Boston with the Coercive Acts, aka the Intolerable Acts, which closed the port until the equivalent of $90,000 in today’s dollars was paid for the tea. Other punitive acts followed which forced Bostonians to house the Redcoats without recompense. Public assemblies could only happen with the approval of the governor, Gen. Thomas Gage. The British military now ruled Massachusetts. In reaction, Benjamin Franklin called for the First Continental Congress to assemble in Philadelphia. We will take up this part of the revolutionary story in the next chapter on the Independence National Historical Park.
Sons of Liberty tossing crates of imported tea into the Boston Harbor (
What did the rebels want? They fought for independence from an oppressive regime; for equality (for white males with property); and for representation in government. Newly arrived from England, Thomas Paine published the influential Common Sense in January 1776. In it, he wrote:

It is not in the power of Britain to do this continent justice: … for if they cannot conquer us, they cannot govern us.… Independency means no more, than, whether we shall make our own laws, or, whether the king, the greatest enemy this continent hath, or can have, shall tell us, "there shall be no laws but such as I like.”

Cries for rebellion like Payne’s unified the disparate colonies into a continent, into a whole land. Granted, the thin line of English settlement along the eastern seaboard ignored the rest of North America; nonetheless, colonials started seeing themselves as part of a larger whole fighting against a corrupt government.

The Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill

Revolt ignited that April morning north of Boston. After the British attacked the militia at Lexington Green, they continued to Concord. Neighboring Minute Men swarmed to the sporadic gunfire as the Redcoats searched for arms and ammunition. When the militia saw smoke coming from Concord, they feared that the British had started to torch the town. They charged the North Bridge occupied by the Redcoats and exchanged fire which killed two Patriots (the first causality from nearby Acton) and eleven English soldiers. Colonel Francis Smith ordered his men to retreat to Boston.
Minute Men re-enactors crossing the North Bridge (NPS photo)
A mile east of Concord at Meriam’s Corner, a narrow bridge across a creek created a bottleneck for the retreat, and Minute Men, hiding behind fences, walls, and trees, started picking off the enemy. More militia joined the fray and forced the English to run a gauntlet of deadly gunfire as they retreated to Boston. Near Lexington, the British column faced the militia they had attacked that morning who exacted retribution from the Redcoats. A British officer wrote about their retreat:

The Rebels kept the road always lined and a very hot fire on us without intermission; we at first kept our order and returned their fire… but when we arrived a mile from Lexington, our ammunition began to fail and … so that we began to run rather than retreat in order.[1]

Inconceivably, the ragtag group of colonial militia had forced the Redcoats to flee in disorder.

After the first skirmishes at Lexington and Concord in April 1775, conflicts erupted at Fort Ticonderoga and Crown Point in New York. On June 17, militia from the Boston area defended the strategic heights above Charlestown from a Redcoat assault. During the Battle of Bunker Hill, a first wave of over 2,000 Redcoats struggled uphill over fences and hastily constructed bulwarks. Volleys of bullets rained down from above and forced the Redcoats to retreat. They charged again, and again the militia fought them back. The third charge proved successful as the rebels started to run out of ammunition. The British suffered 1,054 casualties including 232 dead while the Americans had only 400 dead, wounded, or missing. British General Clinton complained: “A dear bought victory—another such would have ruined us.”
Map of Bunker and Breed's Hills  

The British Regulars at the Battle of Bunker Hill 

The Impact of the Boston Battles

Several consequences came out of these first armed clashes. First, with cold weather approaching and surrounded by the Continental Army, the British abandoned Boston and retreated by boat to Halifax, Canada where they wintered. Second, the British generals became more cautious in engaging the home grown militias whose atypical combat style proved effective. Third, the Continental Congress called for all able bodied men to join the militia; however, not everyone supported the rebellion. Perhaps a third of the colonials wanted rebellion and freedom from England while another third remained loyal to the king. The rest stayed neutral. The call to enlist in the army and indeed, the war itself split families and communities into divided camps of Patriots and Loyalists. Finally, these Boston battles sparked the years of war, of combat, and of destruction as armies marched across countrysides, killing one another, and often destroying what lay in their paths.

The American Revolution, begun in April 1775 in Concord, lasted until the Battle of Yorktown in Virginia in October 1781. We will explore the history of the war in the following chapters.

The Minute Man National Historical Park was created on September 21, 1959 when President Eisenhower signed its enabling act.

Minute Man National Historical Park
174 Liberty Street
Concord, MA  01742

[1] Stevens, America’s National Battlefield Parks, 25.